Streamlining Efficiency: The High Cost of Manual Data Entry in Commercial Spreading

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is the key to success. One area where many lenders face significant challenges is the manual entry of data into financial spreading software, particularly in commercial spreading. Whether it’s inputting financial transactions, inventory data, or customer information, the time spent on manual data entry can be a significant drain on resources.

The Time Sink of Manual Data Entry in Financial Statement Analysis

Commercial spreading involves the dissemination of crucial data across various platforms and systems. Unfortunately, many lenders still rely on manual data entry processes for financial statement analysis, which can lead to a host of issues. The time spent on manually inputting information not only impedes productivity but also increases the likelihood of errors. From transposing numbers to typos, the risks associated with manual data entry can have far-reaching consequences.

  1. Error Prone and Costly: The human element introduces the risk of errors into the data entry process. Even the most diligent employees can make mistakes, and when dealing with large volumes of data, the likelihood of errors multiplies. These errors can lead to financial discrepancies, inventory issues, and customer dissatisfaction, ultimately costing lending institutions more in the long run.
  2. Time-Consuming: Manual data entry is a time-consuming process that could be better spent on value-added activities. Employees spend countless hours entering data into spreadsheets or commercial spreading solutions when they could be focusing on tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic decision-making. The opportunity cost of these wasted hours is significant.
  3. Lack of Real-Time Insights: In an era where real-time data is crucial for making informed business decisions, manual data entry falls short. The delay in updating information can hinder a business’s ability to respond promptly to market changes, customer demands, or operational challenges. This lack of agility puts lenders at a disadvantage in today’s competitive landscape.

Streamlining Data Entry Processes

To address the challenges associated with manual data entry in commercial spreading, lenders must adopt technology-driven solutions to streamline their processes.

  1. Automated Data Entry: Implementing automated data entry solutions can significantly reduce the risk of errors and accelerate the entire process. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) data extraction tools that use object character recognition (OCR) can automate the transfer of data between systems, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  2. Integration of Systems: By integrating different systems within a business, data can flow seamlessly from one department to another. This not only reduces the need for manual data entry but also ensures consistency and accuracy across various platforms.
  3. Implementing an Automated Solution: Investing in new, cloud-based solutions with the right implementation can enhance the skills required for data management and adoption of automated tools. Pairing well-trained employees that embrace technology can lead to increased efficiency and reduced reliance on manual processes.


Investing in an automated solution like Cync Spreading, a financial statement spreading software offering financial statement ratio analysis, can save time and reduce the risk of human error. Automated data extraction enables users to upload files and review the extracted data directly in the spread, cutting the time needed for entering the initial data and updating data by over 90%. Unparalleled customization options allow lenders to perform financial statement ratio analysis in any ways needed – from pre-programmed ratios to the ability to build any custom ratio required.

Cync Spreading pulls double duty, also functioning as a credit analysis software, allowing lenders to add existing debts or potential debts within the spread and manipulate the results to assess potential risk.

The high cost of manual data entry in commercial spreading is a challenge that businesses cannot afford to ignore. By using Cync Spreading, integrating systems, and providing proper training, businesses can unlock their true potential, allowing employees to focus on tasks that drive innovation and growth. Embracing technology is not just a cost-saving measure; it’s a strategic move towards a more agile and competitive future.